Hello, Gen Zers (and curious Millennials and beyond)! I'm Danica, 26 years old. Every time I see what my colleagues are doing through social media, I am literally so fascinated and shocked by the differences in our lives. For example, what does it mean to travel to nine countries this year?! What does it mean to buy a house with your soulmate you met at a rave?! What does it mean to start a family at 24?
In fact, my mother gave birth to me when she was 22 years old, and to this day I still can't understand how she did it.
via CW/giphy.com
What I'm saying is that even within the same age group, people can be in completely different situations and lead completely different lifestyles, so you never know what someone is going through. That means no. Plus, I love watching the “Day in the Life” videos and learning everyone's routines, so I was inspired to try a little experiment. your Participate.
One great example that sums up different aspects of life is when my best friend told me on FaceTime that she had proposed to him, and I was drinking rum and coke in a Taco Bell parking lot (single and I'm lonely, mind you).
Max / via giphy.com
So, if you're a Gen Zer, have an interesting job, are going to school, are going through a big life event, or are just trying to make sense of it all. I would like to know what your daily life/routine is like. . My goal is to focus on a small number of people and show them the different lifestyles they lead so that they can be seen not only by other Gen Zers, but also by all other age groups. By doing so, I hope it takes away the pressure of having to reach a certain point in your life by a certain age. I also personally think it's useful (and really cool) to learn about different perspectives.
Don't worry; we don't need to know anything very specific, like your address or phone number. What I'm asking you to do is to share some of the main actions you take every day and how certain situations or life events influence what you want. only. Living my life and even how I feel about my money situation at this point in my adult life.
Now, I'm not asking you to put everything in the comments section for the whole world to see. If you're interested in potentially being featured in this upcoming project, feel free to use the comments section, but we'd love to hear from you by filling out this form. When you use a form, no one but me can see your responses. In addition to telling us a little about yourself, please also leave your email address so that we can contact you directly for more specific information.
Thank you to everyone who considered this! It can be a little intimidating to share things with people on the internet, but your experience may help other readers realize, “You know what? I'm okay where I'm at.” Please remember one thing. Again, if you are seriously interested, please fill out this form. Thank you again everyone!
And if you are, do not have If you are a member of Gen Z and are somehow reading this article, please send this message to the Gen Z you know and love.