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Dear care and food,
My entire family was cut off from my brother's children. My sister died suddenly and during her probate her boyfriend became furious and insisted that all her belongings and money be taken back as they were limited and ignore her legal process. My family wasn't going to do that. Because it is immoral, unethical and illegal. But we provided all kinds of help, from babysitting to emotional support, helping to drive the kids, and even financial support. In the end, my boyfriend cut us all off anyway. I didn't say anything, I just stopped letting my kids call their cousins and grandparents like they used to.
Probate is due to end soon, so I'm thinking of contacting my boyfriend to reconnect our cousins. He doesn't have to like me or me. However, children are not to blame. Is this a terrible idea? Any ideas on what I should or shouldn't say?
—Miss My Family
Dear Miss My Family
I am so sorry for the loss of your sister and for being estranged from your children. She should reach out to her boyfriend again, understanding that he may not respond favorably. If you contact them by phone, they may hang up on you as soon as they realize it's you, so it's best to contact them in writing first. Tell him that you want to put aside your differences and maintain a relationship with your sister's children, and that the connection between them and your cousin is especially important to you. Tell them how much you love these children and explain that you will continue to do everything you can to support them. Acknowledge how difficult this time is for him and that your sister wants the family to remain in the children's lives. Avoid talking about the probate battle and focus your message on how strongly you want to connect with your children. You may have to contact him multiple times to get a response. Also, be prepared for the possibility that it's not what you want. Keep trying because your food is worth fighting for. Good luck.