President Donald Trump issued a Presidential order on Monday to prohibit transgender people from serving the army openly. He argues that discrimination against potential service members based on gender identity supports military preparation and reduces taxpayers, but the evidence behind it is Trump. Alright that it remains as thin as when he enacted the same policy between his first administration.
The Presidential Ordinance is prohibited by the trans service member to sleep, change, or the use of bathing facilities that match gender identity. Trans people argued that “the strict standards needed for military service can not be met” for “restrictions of medical care, surgery, and mental health”, and the pronouns assigned at birth are “soldiers' commitment. An honorable, truthful, disciplined lifestyle that claims that it is inconsistent. “
Presidential Ordinance's White House's fact seat further claims that the payment of surgery to affirm the gender of the service members and their dependent children has been “millions of taxpayers in the United States.”
According to the White House spokeswoman, the Pentagon is planning to implement an order. At the moment, current service members can access care to affirm gender, which may be imminent.
Despite these claims, it is not clear that the transsexual members are lower than other members. It is true that the federal government is subsidized by surgery to affirm gender, but the costs related to these surgery are rare compared to other healthcare costs that usually occur on behalf of service members and their dependents. Not that.
Two organizations that promote the rights of LGBTQ -Lambda Legal and Human Rights Campaign, which appealed for the ban before 2017, announced on Monday that they would disagree with the Presidential order in the court. The ban on 2017 was blocked by court until the Supreme Court allowed the revised version, narrowed down to cover only new recruits, and was easily enforced. However, the judge did not reach its legal final decision before former President Joe Biden withdrew it in 2021.
“The justifying here is the same as what they provided in 2017,” said Sasha Vcart, Lambda Regal's legal advisor. “The court didn't buy them. I don't think they will move on.”
Transgender service members, what we know about their preparation and care costs
Trans people have been working in the army for a long time, but until June 2016, under former President Barak Obama, they were allowed to do so openly without being discharged or refused. This reflects policies in other countries, including Australia, Canada, Israel, and the UK.
Thousands of transformers are working in the army today, but the exact estimation is how to investigate the service members, non -binary individuals, people who have shifted before services, or have not yet begun to shift. It depends on whether people are included. Buchert said that the transformer was represented beyond the role, from chefs to musicians, fighter pilots, and intelligence officers. Hy billions have already been invested in their training.
There is almost no evidence that the trans service member has a major impact on military preparation, unity, and cost. The 2016 report by Rand Corporation, a non -party policy think tank, discovered a “minimum effect on preparation and medical costs” to enable transgender staff to serve openly. Transition that affects development and healthcare costs.
According to a recent report from Congress Research Services, it has been found that $ 15 million has been spent on surgical and non -surgical gender maintenance from 2016 to 2021. According to Buchert, these costs are lined up with the other daily medical expenses of CisGender service members and account for a small overall market share of the $ 600 billion of the $ 600 billion in 2024.
Jodi Harman, a senior student of the public policy of Williams Research Institute, a think tank of the UCLA Law, focusing on sexual orientation and gender identity, states: Law.
The procedure will be scheduled in advance if the service member receives surgery to maintain gender (category, which includes surgery from bottom surgery to face -to -face gynch surgery). Sue Fulton, a veteran and senior adviser of SPARTA, a member of the Trans service member, does not affect the development or mission preparation, and patients usually return to all in 4-8 weeks. This is a White House fact sheet, contradicting “at least 12 months for individuals to complete treatment” before satisfying the preparation requirements.
“They give the impression that the procedures that transgenders may have are exotic, burden and expensive, but it's not just true,” Furton said. “It's, for example, there is not much difference from non -urgent minor knee surgery … Transgender service members are not different from other service members' abilities.”
Regarding the White House concerns regarding “mental health restrictions” for members of the trans service, the transmiters are more likely, depressed, although these percentage is lower among those who have surgery to maintain gender. It is true that you have experienced suicide attempts. Trans service members can access.
The guidance of the American Psychological Society may actually contribute to the mental health issues facing the military transformers by Trump's order to discriminate and access treatment. It suggests that there is. In a Friday statement, APA warns that “research is consistent in transgender and lack of stigma and treatment for individuals with non -conformity gender, which has a significant adverse effect on mental and physical health.” did.
As Buchert said, for the prohibited justification, she reveals what she has identified as a real motivation behind it. It's identity, especially the transgender people. “